UK Railway Infrastructure Object Library for openBVE

On this page, you will be able to download the UK Railway Infrastructure Object Library project, designed for openBVE, once it is released.
Please note that this project is currently in development. This is a new project which will form an essential dependency and shared library for my other route projects, and for other UK routes as well. Various objects in the library will take advantage of numerous features and capabilities provided by the modern, open source openBVE simulator. You can follow progress with the project as it's being developed, via the Railsimroutes.net Blog
Further Information
The downloads will be presented below when released. This collection of objects and textures will form a shared library resource, which all Railsimroutes.net openBVE route projects will call upon. This library will also be free for anyone to use or reference via their own projects, so any other route will also be able to call upon the UK Railway Infrastructure Object Library, making life much easier for developers, while also potentially reducing the size of UK based route downloads because there won't be so many duplicated files. This library will be maintained, and any route calling upon the library will also benefit from any enhancements made to the library's objects or textures.
- Photo-realistic track objects, with bullhead, BS113A and UIC60 rails, and concrete or wooden sleepers;
- Curved track pieces in the above types, with varying degrees of cant, and transition curve objects;
- Various pointwork objects (switches or turnouts);
- Photo-realistic MkI, MkIII and UK1 overhead line equipment;
- West Coast Main Line signalling objects, 60s and present day designs;
- Various lineside objects, point machines, cabinets, signs, etc.
- And more...
Download the library
- Current version: -.-.- (release date: TBA)
- Target simulator: openBVE

ยป UK Railway Infrastructure Object Library [?? MiB]
- Not released yet!