Note: This is an archived page.
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In March 2009, I discontinued my News page, as my blog, together with the homepage, effectively served the same purpose; news items from 2008 all the way back to 2001 can be found below:

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23rd November 2008 - 7th September 2005 ]
6th July 2004 - 21st June 2003 ]
[ 10th May 2003 - 22nd May 2002 ]

[ 18th May 2002 - 20th January 2002 ]
[ 18th January 2002 - 23rd August 2001 ]

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Note: Some links to downloads or external sites included in archived news articles may no longer work, due to changes either on this site or on external websites since a news item was published.

Rail Sim Routes UK, 2001-2010
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